Sunday 29 January 2017

Yr 12: Cover Lesson (31st January)

Last lesson we began to plan an answer for the question:

"Discuss the issues raised by media ownership in the production and exchange of media texts in your chosen area" 

You now have 1 hour to answer this question as if you were in the exam. Please type this up on the computer and email to me at

I will mark and return to you with feedback for Thursday's lesson. Any issues, please let me know after school today.

Miss M

Monday 23 January 2017

Yr 12 - Monday P5 - Film Industy Test

Please follow the link to take this test online - please complete this during P5 - it should take you no longer than an hour.

Please DO NOT use your notes or the internet to help you complete this test - this will not benefit you in the long run and it will not enable me to gauge which areas we need to revise.

Good Luck!

Miss M :-)

Wednesday 18 January 2017

Year 12 - COVER WORK - Friday 20th January

Hi all,

I hope you enjoyed the trip yesterday! I am not in on Friday due to Year 9 IAG Day so you will not have a lesson. The work below is what I expect you to complete during this time and you are welcome to use Room 57 to complete this.


Answer the questions on the Prezi from last lesson:

  1. What difficulties might an Independent filmmaker face when trying to distribute their film?
  2. What distribution options do you have as an independent filmmaker?
  3. What are the top 10 most successful independent films of all time? Who distributed them? What does this say about media ownership (i.e. who dominates the industry)?
Write up your answers to each question and send to Miss M via email at the end of the lesson.


Find out what the following terms mean:


For each term you must:
  1. Write a definition.
  2. Find two examples from the film industry to support your definition.
  3. Complete the Synergy and Convergence slide for both of your Case Study films.
This work is vital preparation for your exam so anyone who does not complete this task will be issued with a detention.

Please remember that you will have a test on Monday which will test your knowledge on what we have covered so far for Section B: Mainstream Vs Independent, Production, Distribution and Synergy & Convergence.

Have a great weekend!

Miss M!

Monday 16 January 2017

BFI Study Day - Thursday 19th January

Here is all the information you need to know in advance of the trip. Please read carefully and if you have any additional questions you must email Miss M at

Purpose of the Day:
The BFI Study Day will introduce to Section A of the exam topic: TV Drama (please note, you will not be answering a question on this in the mock exam). There will be a series of talks and lectures by industry professionals which will make for a nice introduction to the topic before we begin studying it in the Summer term. It is therefore important that you listen well and take as many notes as possible.

What should you bring:
A notepad and paper. Also, packed lunch if you require (see lunch details below).

Where to meet:
The study day begins at 10:30 but it is vital we are there at least 20 minutes before in order to register. Please therefore meet me at the main entrance to the BFI no later than 10:10am. I will be waiting in the main foyer which can be accessed via the main entrance (see maps below for details).

If you have trouble finding it (put your smartphone on please! Postcode: SE1 8XT) then you can contact the BFI direct and they will get a message to me. The number is 020 7928 3232.

Anyone who is late will be expected to speak with the receptionist to register. Non-Attendees will be reported to school and a phone call will be made home.

You will be dismissed from the BFI at 3.30pm.

There are no facilities for lunch at the BFI, therefore please either bring a packed lunch or money for purchasing food.The BFI has it's own Bistro cafe and there is an EAT and a Wagamama's within walking distance, as well as other restaurants and cafes.

They also have a gift shop which you may like to have a look around, so please bring a little bit of extra spending money if this is something you might be interested in.

There is no eating or drinking in the auditorium and the use of photography or film is prohibited. Remember that you are a representative of Coombe while on this trip so it is expected that you will be polite and respectful. Any misbehavior will not be tolerated and phone calls home and to the school will be made as a result. I really hope I do not have to follow up on anything like this!

I hope that this is going to be a great day. I think you will find it interesting and get a lot out of it!

Look forward to seeing you all then,

Miss M

Tuesday 10 January 2017

Yr 12: Spring Term Plan

Exporting in Premiere Pro

Hi Guys,

Here's a short doc I created on how to export your video on Premiere Pro. If you experience any problems, or for some reason, it's not letting you export it like this - then let me know and I will help you!

The Film Industry - Lesson 2 - Production

Monday 9 January 2017

Film Finance Podcast

The second in the series of Mark Kermode's 'The Business of Film'. This episode looks at film financing, linking to what we covered last lesson. 

Tuesday 3 January 2017

Yr 12 - Welcome Back

A huge welcome back and a Happy New Year to all of you! I hope you had a wonderful holiday and are ready for the challenges of the year ahead... I am sure it's going to be great one for you all!

So I just wanted to update you with all of the information you need to know for this coming term:


  • The shooting deadline is this Friday which means the bulk of your footage should be ready to edit by then.
  • We are now in post-production which means you should be working on your opening sequence in lessons or in your own time.
  • Your final piece must be submitted on Friday 10th March for moderation.
  • A rough cut of your opening sequence must be ready for viewing on Friday 10th February. 
  • Room 57 is open most evenings until 5pm for production work.
  • Mock exams begin W/C 6th February.
  • We will continue to dedicate Fridays to theory work until 23rd January, where we will then spend 2 weeks preparing for the mock exam.
  • As you are aware, we do not currently have a technician, which means that there will be allocated times to rent/return equipment. These are as follows:
  1. Lunchtimes (1:25 - 1:40)
  2. Before school (Mon-Thurs only - 8am - 8.35)
  3. After school (Tues - Thurs only 3.10 - 5pm)
Any questions, please ask!


Miss M :-)