Wednesday 18 January 2017

Year 12 - COVER WORK - Friday 20th January

Hi all,

I hope you enjoyed the trip yesterday! I am not in on Friday due to Year 9 IAG Day so you will not have a lesson. The work below is what I expect you to complete during this time and you are welcome to use Room 57 to complete this.


Answer the questions on the Prezi from last lesson:

  1. What difficulties might an Independent filmmaker face when trying to distribute their film?
  2. What distribution options do you have as an independent filmmaker?
  3. What are the top 10 most successful independent films of all time? Who distributed them? What does this say about media ownership (i.e. who dominates the industry)?
Write up your answers to each question and send to Miss M via email at the end of the lesson.


Find out what the following terms mean:


For each term you must:
  1. Write a definition.
  2. Find two examples from the film industry to support your definition.
  3. Complete the Synergy and Convergence slide for both of your Case Study films.
This work is vital preparation for your exam so anyone who does not complete this task will be issued with a detention.

Please remember that you will have a test on Monday which will test your knowledge on what we have covered so far for Section B: Mainstream Vs Independent, Production, Distribution and Synergy & Convergence.

Have a great weekend!

Miss M!

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