Tuesday 3 January 2017

Yr 12 - Welcome Back

A huge welcome back and a Happy New Year to all of you! I hope you had a wonderful holiday and are ready for the challenges of the year ahead... I am sure it's going to be great one for you all!

So I just wanted to update you with all of the information you need to know for this coming term:


  • The shooting deadline is this Friday which means the bulk of your footage should be ready to edit by then.
  • We are now in post-production which means you should be working on your opening sequence in lessons or in your own time.
  • Your final piece must be submitted on Friday 10th March for moderation.
  • A rough cut of your opening sequence must be ready for viewing on Friday 10th February. 
  • Room 57 is open most evenings until 5pm for production work.
  • Mock exams begin W/C 6th February.
  • We will continue to dedicate Fridays to theory work until 23rd January, where we will then spend 2 weeks preparing for the mock exam.
  • As you are aware, we do not currently have a technician, which means that there will be allocated times to rent/return equipment. These are as follows:
  1. Lunchtimes (1:25 - 1:40)
  2. Before school (Mon-Thurs only - 8am - 8.35)
  3. After school (Tues - Thurs only 3.10 - 5pm)
Any questions, please ask!


Miss M :-)

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