Wednesday 8 March 2017


You have two weeks of lesson time to complete your evaluation for the foundation portfolio.

The DEADLINE IS 21st April 2017.

This is worth 20 marks out of the 100 available for the controlled assessment.
In your evaluation, you must include relevant theory where necessary (i.e. Uses and Gratifications, Propps theory etc) as well as media terminology.

The seven questions below must be addressed in detail:
  1. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?
  2. How does your media product represent particular social groups?
  3. What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?
  4. Who would be the audience for your media product?
  5. How did you attract/address your audience?
  6. What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?
  7. Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

What the exam board says:

"In all cases, candidates should be encourage to see the evaluation as a creative task and the potential of the format chosen should be exploited through the use of images, audio, video and links to online resources."

This means that you are awarded marks for how creatively you are able to communicate your evaluation. Please see examples of the previous blogs below to give you some ideas on how to do this:

Lucy - 94/100 Marks (A)
Jasmine - 89/100 (A)
Isha - 78/100 (B)

Mark Scheme

  • Excellent skill in the use of appropriate digital technology or ICT in the evaluation.
  • Excellent understanding of issues around audience, institution, technology, representation, forms and conventions in relation to production.
  • Excellent ability to refer to the choices made and outcomes.  
  • Excellent understanding of their development from preliminary to full task.
  • Excellent ability to communicate.

Portfolio Checklist

The deadline for your final portfolio (as in your individual and group blog) is Friday 24th March.

The following is a checklist of all the work that must be submitted. Anything highlighted in PINK is for those students aiming for an A grade.



  • Film Director
  • Genre Case-Study
  • Analysis of Opening Sequences (2 or 4)
  • Credits
  • Target Audience
  • Institutions


  • Treatment
  • Treatment feedback
  • Characters
  • Location
  • Costume & Prop
  • Storyboard (animatic)
  • Script
  • Production Schedule
  • Risk Assessments or Contingencies
  • List of Job Roles
  • Shot list


  • Diary entries for all stages of production
  • Photographs/action shots/video evidence of shooting
  • Screenshots of editing process
  • Scanned sketches/screenshots of institutional logo designs
  • Rough Cut feedback
  • Audience Feedback on rough cut


  • Lighting/green screen workshop - diary entry/video
  • Final Preliminary video
  • Evaluation of Preliminary video: What went well? What did you learn? What would you do differently next time? What problems? How did you overcome them?

Final Product

  • An embedded clip of your final product on your group and individual blog.