Wednesday 8 March 2017

Portfolio Checklist

The deadline for your final portfolio (as in your individual and group blog) is Friday 24th March.

The following is a checklist of all the work that must be submitted. Anything highlighted in PINK is for those students aiming for an A grade.



  • Film Director
  • Genre Case-Study
  • Analysis of Opening Sequences (2 or 4)
  • Credits
  • Target Audience
  • Institutions


  • Treatment
  • Treatment feedback
  • Characters
  • Location
  • Costume & Prop
  • Storyboard (animatic)
  • Script
  • Production Schedule
  • Risk Assessments or Contingencies
  • List of Job Roles
  • Shot list


  • Diary entries for all stages of production
  • Photographs/action shots/video evidence of shooting
  • Screenshots of editing process
  • Scanned sketches/screenshots of institutional logo designs
  • Rough Cut feedback
  • Audience Feedback on rough cut


  • Lighting/green screen workshop - diary entry/video
  • Final Preliminary video
  • Evaluation of Preliminary video: What went well? What did you learn? What would you do differently next time? What problems? How did you overcome them?

Final Product

  • An embedded clip of your final product on your group and individual blog.

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