Monday 7 November 2016

Title Sequence Timeline

Today's Task:
  • Watch the opening sequence from a film of your choice (preferably the same genre as your treatment) on YouTube - it must have titles as part of the opening sequence.
  • Make a timeline of the titles and the order in which they go in (see examples below). There is no wrong or right way of doing this - the important thing is that you document the order and pace of the titles, as well as the types of titles that are included.
  • Photograph and post to your blog.
  • In the same blog post, answer the following questions:

1.What have you found out from doing this activity?
2. Has anything surprised you?
3. What do you notice about the style/font of the titles? How does this communicate the genre?
4. What are the titles that you will need to include in your opening sequence?

  • A Grade Extension: Complete a timeline for a second film answering the questions above and then compare. What are the similarities and differences? Why is this the case?
This should be completed and posted to your blog by the end of the lesson (Extension people can have until tomorrow).

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