Tuesday 18 October 2016

Yr 12: Half-Term Update

As we are approaching half-term, I thought I would list all of the research work that should be posted to your portfolio so far. This work is due on the 25th November but I would suggest completing it as soon as you can so that you can dedicate your time to the rest of the research and planning when you come back.

1. Film Director Research
2. Genre Case-Study
3. Analysis of Opening Sequences (min 2)
4. Target Audience Research

For more guidance and help on how to do this, see this post here. I will be meeting with you all individually during lesson time after half-term to see how you are getting on and if I have any concerns then you will be required to attend Media Cafe.

Remember, the TREATMENT must be posted to your blog on the 4th November and you will present your ideas to the rest on the class during this lesson.

Thanks for all of your hard work so far and I hope you all have a lovely half-term... 

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