Monday 27 February 2017

Yr 12 - P5

Hi all,

I am not going to be in your lesson during P5 today so please can you continue with production. Please also remember to look through the mid production tasks that I posted on the blog last week and make sure that you are working towards them.

Thanks all,

See you tomorrow

Miss M

Thursday 23 February 2017

Yr 12 - Mid-Production Tasks

Task 1
Click here to visit the following blog post which explains what you need to do to complete the institutional research.

Task 2
Now that you  have the rough cut, it's important that you obtain some audience feedback to show that you are making improvements according to what your audience want. You can do this in three different ways:
  1. Questionnaire
  2. Interview
  3. Focus Group
You can choose to write this as a blog post or produce a video clip documenting the feedback process, it is completely up-to-you. There should be evidence of this on your blog before you hand in the completed video on Friday 10th March.

Task 3
Also, please remember that you must be constantly documenting the process of making all three products which includes posting:

  • Diary entries documenting successes and problems (and how you are overcoming them)
  • Screenshots of the editing process
  • Sketches and developments of your institution logo


A reminder of the deadlines:

Friday 10th March
Completed Opening Sequence

Friday 24th March
Completed portfolio (blog) and Evaluation

We will discuss the requirements of the evaluation after the 10th March so please don't worry too much about that at the moment.

Have a great day, the weekend is almost here!

Wednesday 22 February 2017

Yr 12: Institution Research

It is important to remember that a good opening sequence has details of the institution at the very beginning of the film. Therefore, your opening sequence must do the same (like the one above does). To help you achieve this you must complete the following tasks...


  • Produce a blog post that shows examples of the institutional information seen in a range of Opening Sequences (i.e. production companies / distributors). How do they do it? What do they show? What order? How many? 
  • It would be a good idea to screenshot some logos from both independent and mainstream films to help inspire you when designing your own. What makes a good logo? What do you like about these logos?


Mindmap some ideas for names for your own companies and then draw out some sketches for ideas. Make sure you post these to your blog to document the development process.


You will need to produce your institution logo either on Photoshop, Illustrator or you could use After Effects. There are plenty of tutorials posted in the help section of the blog (or search YouTube, you'll find tons!).

Monday 6 February 2017

Tuesday 7th February

Hi all,

First off all, I hope the mock exam went well! 

I am at the BFI today so when you return after the exam you will be expected to continue with production.

Don't forget, we will be viewing each other's rough cuts in the lesson on Friday so you must have a rough structure of your opening sequence ready to show by then.

Thanks and have a great day,

Miss M :-)